on your decision to become a member of 173 Royal Tiger Squadron. As Commanding Officer, it's my privilege to welcome you. Although our focus is aviation, you will also learn camaraderie, drill, leadership, good citizenship, physical fitness and be exposed to the Canadian Forces. As a cadet you may overcome personal challenges, take part in local events, weekend field exercises, summer camps and occasionally interesting trips farther away. Senior cadets have the opportunity to apply for glider or private pilot scholarships.
My staff and I are committed to ensuring the cadet program we offer meets the criteria set out in the cadet training program while being fun and inspiring. In return we expect each cadet to take an active role in the squadron and take advantage of all aspects of the program. Embrace the program as a unique learning experience. Make the commitment to be the best you can be. Enjoy yourself and I have no doubt you will always remember your time as a 173 Tiger Squadron cadet.
Capt Pauline Paul
173 Royal Tiger Squadron
Commanding Officer